Want to sail as much as you want all summer?
We offer a unique time share program in which you can sail the International Class J/22 on several Colorado lakes.
Great for the avid sailor
7 days a week Access to boats
3 available time slots per day
unlimited reservations
For those with flexible schedules
5 days a week Access to boats
2 available time slots per day
unlimited reservations
5 Punch Card
Trial membership
7 days a week Access to boats
3 available time slots per day
5 reservations included
Owning a sailboat is expensive, so Why Buy?

For an annual fee, plus a small reservation fee, you can sail as often as you like!
Over $3,450 per year

Why Buy Boat Club
Moorage included
Insurance included
Maintenance covered
No launching or trailering boats
$3.50 per reservation made
Starting at $560 per year
(A fraction of the cost of ownership)
Frequently asked questions
What qualifications are required?
Insurance requires that each registered captain (the person in your group who is acting as the captain when you go sailing) must hold at least the Basic Coastal Cruising Certification (ASA103) or have comparable experience. If you completedyour certifications with a different school, you will need to complete a checkout with us. Comparable experience will be determined by a check-out sail with the Victoria Sailing School. There is a one-time fee for this check-out.
What paperwork is required?
There are two forms that must be filled out. You can preview both the Membership Agreement and Contract by following the links. These will need to filled out and uploaded to activate your membership.
How long is the membership valid?
All of our memberships are valid for 12 months. If you sign up in June, you can continue to sail the following season until your membership expires.
How do reservations work when there is more than one registered captain in a group?
All captains in a group (Double or Triple Memberships) share the same reservations. If one captain on a double membership makes a reservation, the other will not be able to.
What levels of memberships are available?
There are two levels of memberships available, a Full and a Partial membership.
What is the difference between a Full and a Partial membership?
A Full membership has access to the boats at any of the 3 available time slots, 7 days a week. The Partial membership can only access the boats during the day (morning and afternoon), during the week (Monday through Friday inclusive). Both memberships have access to all the boats at all the different locations.
If I initailly sign up with a Partial membership, can I upgrade to the Full membership?
Yes, just pay the difference in pricing.
What are the basic rules?
You can sail as often as you wish, but you can only have one Long Term and one Short Term reservation on the books at any given time. This rule prevents any one member from reserving a boat every Saturday afternoon all summer. As soon as you finish with one reservation, you can log on to the reservation system and place another reservation.
What is a Short Term Reservation?
A Short Term reservation is any reservation made inside 24 hours. If you wake up in the morning and decide you want to go sailing you can book a boat for that same day.
Are there any additional fees?
Yes, there is a per reservation charge of $4.50. This fee will not be charged if a reservation is cancelled prior to the start of the reservation. The fee will be billed annually at the end of the season.
What are the times?
There are two forms that must be filled out. You can preview both the Membership Agreement and Contract by following the links. These will need to filled out and uploaded to activate your membership.
Can multiple people join as a group?
Yes, there can be up to 2 registered captains in any membership, except the 5 pack.
How do we arrange to go sailing?
Reservations are made online, through our website and are on a first come, first serve basis. Sailing sessions will be limited to 4 hours per usage, so that other members would be able to sail on the same day. There will be three different times per day to sail. Dawn to noon, 12:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., and 5:30 p.m. to dusk.
Do I have to pay the full fee at one time?
We will accept payments over a 3 month time frame.
How do we know a boat will be available for us?
The Victoria Sailing School presently has ten J/22's available for members use. Each ten new members will spur the purchase of a new boat.
What is the extent of my liability?
When you sign the contract you agree to a 000 liability. This will only be charged if a boat needs repairs due to any negligent damage you caused while in charge of the vessel. Normal wear and tear repairs are the responsibility of the Victoria Sailing School.
Where will the boats be?
At this time we have two boats at Lake Dillon, one at Lake Carter, three at Cherry Creek Reservoir and four at Chatfield Reservoir. As the fleet grows, we will place boats at different marinas in the state.
How long will the boats be in the water?
Chatfield, Cherry Creek, and Lake Carter are launched approximately April 1st. Dillon will launch around the end of May (Memorial Day) and all boats will be taken out when the first ice starts to form - approximately the end of October.